Boilerplate CLI App - Create a new project powered by Create React App, @sabertazimi/react-scripts and bod template.
Documentation | Bod Template | Webpack Template
# Global installation
npm install -g bod
# Local installation
npm install -D bod
bod create <appName>
bod info
Usage: bod <command> [options]
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
create|c <appName> Create a new project powered by @sabertazimi/react-scripts
info|i Print debugging information about your environment
help [command] display help for command
ℹ Run bod <command> --help for detailed usage of given command.
More details on package bod.
Bod Template
The official React template for Bod CLI.
Live Demo
Start with Template
This template is shipped with Bod CLI out of box:
# Select option `React Framework`
bod create my-app
Or use with Create React App:
npm create react-app my-app --template bod --scripts-version @sabertazimi/react-scripts
More available scripts on package cra-template-bod.
Custom Template
You can custom bod template by clone this monorepo (with package @sabertazimi/react-scripts).
git clone --depth=1
cd bod
npm i
npm run start:template
will set local package cra-template-bod
to default React template,
and start a webpack-dev-server
on port 3000
Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request.