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TypeScript Basic Notes

TypeScript Toolchain

TypeScript Installation

npm i -D typescript
npm i -D react react-dom @types/node @types/react @types/react-dom

TypeScript Configuration

npx tsconfig.json
npx tsc --init
npm i -D @tsconfig/create-react-app

Basic tsconfig:

  • extends:
    • @tsconfig/recommended/tsconfig.json.
    • @tsconfig/create-react-app/tsconfig.json.
    • @tsconfig/node16/tsconfig.json.
    • @tsconfig/deno/tsconfig.json.
  • include.
  • exclude.
  • buildOptions.
  • compilerOptions.
  • watchOptions.
  • tsNode.
"include": ["./src/**/*"],
"exclude": ["node_modules", "build", "dist", "coverage"],
"compilerOptions": {
/* 基本选项 */
"target": "es2022", // 'ES3', 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', or 'ESNEXT'
"module": "NodeNext", // 指定使用模块: 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd' or 'es2015'
"lib": ["es2022"], // 指定要包含在编译中的库文件
"allowJs": true, // 允许编译 javascript 文件
"checkJs": true, // 报告 javascript 文件中的错误
"jsx": "react", // 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'
"declaration": true, // 生成相应的 '.d.ts' 文件
"outFile": "./", // 将输出文件合并为一个文件
"outDir": "./dist/", // 指定输出目录
"rootDir": "./", // 用来控制输出目录结构 --outDir.
"removeComments": true, // 删除编译后的所有的注释
"noEmit": true, // 不生成输出文件
"importHelpers": true, // 从 tslib 导入辅助工具函数
"isolatedModules": true, // 将每个文件做为单独的模块 (与 'ts.transpileModule' 类似)
"resolveJsonModule": true,

/* 严格的类型检查选项 */
"strict": true, // 启用所有严格类型检查选项
"noImplicitAny": true, // 在表达式和声明上有隐含的 any类型时报错
"strictNullChecks": true, // 启用严格的 null 检查
"noImplicitThis": true, // 当 this 表达式值为 any 类型的时候,生成一个错误
"alwaysStrict": true, // 以严格模式检查每个模块,并在每个文件里加入 'use strict'
"skipLibCheck": true,

/* 额外的检查 */
"noUnusedLocals": true, // 有未使用的变量时,抛出错误
"noUnusedParameters": true, // 有未使用的参数时,抛出错误
"noImplicitReturns": true, // 并不是所有函数里的代码都有返回值时,抛出错误
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, // 报告 switch 语句的 fallthrough 错误
"noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,

/* 模块解析选项 */
"moduleResolution": "NodeNext", // 选择模块解析策略: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic'
"moduleDetection": "force",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"baseUrl": "./", // 用于解析非相对模块名称的基目录
"paths": {
"@components": ["src/components"],
"@components/*": ["src/components/*"],
"@config": ["src/config"],
"@config/*": ["src/config/*"],
"@hooks": ["src/hooks"],
"@hooks/*": ["src/hooks/*"],
"@images": ["src/images"],
"@images/*": ["src/images/*"],
"@layouts": ["src/layouts"],
"@layouts/*": ["src/layouts/*"],
"@pages": ["src/pages"],
"@pages/*": ["src/pages/*"],
"@styles": ["src/styles"],
"@styles/*": ["src/styles/*"],
"@templates": ["src/templates"],
"@templates/*": ["src/templates/*"],
"@types": ["src/types"],
"@types/*": ["src/types/*"]
}, // 模块名到基于 baseUrl 的路径映射的列表
"rootDirs": [], // 根文件夹列表,其组合内容表示项目运行时的结构内容
"typeRoots": [], // 包含类型声明的文件列表
"types": [], // 需要包含的类型声明文件名列表
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, // 允许从没有设置默认导出的模块中默认导入。

/* Source Map Options */
"sourceMap": true,
"sourceRoot": "./", // 指定调试器应该找到 TypeScript 文件而不是源文件的位置
"mapRoot": "./", // 指定调试器应该找到映射文件而不是生成文件的位置
"inlineSourceMap": true, // 生成单个 source map 文件,而不是将 source maps 生成不同的文件
"inlineSources": true // 将代码与 source map 生成到一个文件中

Webpack Configuration

npm i -D typescript ts-loader source-map-loader
const path = require('node:path')

module.exports = {
entry: './src/index.tsx',
output: {
filename: '[name].bundle.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
devtool: 'source-map',
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.json', '.ts', '.tsx'],
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,
loader: 'ts-loader',
{ enforce: 'pre', test: /\.js$/, loader: 'source-map-loader' },
externals: {
'react': 'React',
'react-dom': 'ReactDOM',

ESLint Configuration

ESLint for TypeScript:

npx eslint --init

Jest Configuration

npm i -D jest typescript ts-jest @types/jest
npx ts-jest config:init
npx jest

TypeScript DefinitelyTyped

  • Library (npm package): @types/* should be dependencies, consumers can bring in type definitions used within.
  • Application: @types/* should be devDependencies, type definitions are just development-time tool.

TypeScript Compiler Performance

  • Faster tools: swc/rome.
  • Multithread: ts-loader + fork-ts-checker-plugin.
  • Project references (tsc -b build mode):
    • Find tsconfig referenced projects.
    • Detect if they are up-to-date.
    • Build out-of-date projects in correct order.
    • Build provided tsconfig if itself or any dependencies have changed.
  • Skip type checking (sometimes).
  • Load @types/ by need (include/exclude/compilerOptions.types).
  • tsc --listFiles 列出编译时包含文件列表, tsc --traceResolution 列出编译时包含文件原因.

TypeScript Project Reference

Project Reference for TypeScript compile and build Speed.

TypeScript Monorepo Configuration

TypeScript Monorepo:

  • NPM workspaces.
  • TypeScript references.


Module types search:

Declaration TypeNamespaceTypeValue
Type AliasX

Value means truly output JavaScript.

Globals Definition

"include": ["./src/**/*", "globals.d.ts", "index.d.ts"]
declare module '*.css'
// => import * as foo from './some/file.css';

declare module '*.png' {
const value: unknown
export = value
// => import logo from './logo.png';
// <img src={logo as string} />

declare module '*.jpg' {
const value: unknown
export = value


// npm i -D @types/react @types/react-dom
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface Element extends React.ReactElement<any, any> {}
interface ElementClass extends React.Component<any> {
render: () => React.ReactNode

Library Definition


"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"lib": ["es6", "dom"]


Namespace aliases:

import polygons = Shapes.Polygons

namespace Shapes {
export namespace Polygons {
export class Triangle {}
export class Square {}

const sq = new polygons.Square() // Same as 'new Shapes.Polygons.Square()'

Library namespace declaration with declaration merging:

export = React
export as namespace React

declare namespace React {
type ElementType<P = any> =
| {
[K in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: P extends JSX.IntrinsicElements[K]
? K
: never
}[keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]
| ComponentType<P>

namespace compiles to IIFE pattern:

namespace Utility {
export function log(msg) {
export function error(msg) {

;(function (Utility) {
Utility.log = log
Utility.log = error
})(Utility || (Utility = {}))
No Namespace

Unless authoring DefinitelyTyped type definitions for existing package, do not use namespaces.

Namespaces do not match up to modern JavaScript module semantics, their automatic member assignments can make code confusing to read.

Module Resolution

Classic Module Resolution

import { a } from './module':

  • /root/src/folder/module.ts.
  • /root/src/folder/module.d.ts.

import { a } from 'module':

  • /root/src/folder/module.ts.
  • /root/src/folder/module.d.ts.
  • /root/src/module.ts.
  • /root/src/module.d.ts.
  • /root/module.ts.
  • /root/module.d.ts.
  • /module.ts.
  • /module.d.ts.

Node Module Resolution

const x = require('./module'):

  • /root/src/module.ts.
  • /root/src/module.tsx.
  • /root/src/module.d.ts.
  • /root/src/module/package.json + { "types": "lib/mainModule.ts" } = /root/src/module/lib/mainModule.ts.
  • /root/src/module/index.ts.
  • /root/src/module/index.tsx.
  • /root/src/module/index.d.ts.

const x = require('module'):

  • /root/src/node_modules/module.ts.
  • /root/src/node_modules/module.tsx.
  • /root/src/node_modules/module.d.ts.
  • /root/src/node_modules/module/package.json (if it specifies a types property).
  • /root/src/node_modules/@types/module.d.ts.
  • /root/src/node_modules/module/index.ts.
  • /root/src/node_modules/module/index.tsx.
  • /root/src/node_modules/module/index.d.ts.
  • /root/node_modules/module.ts.
  • /root/node_modules/module.tsx.
  • /root/node_modules/module.d.ts.
  • /root/node_modules/module/package.json (if it specifies a types property).
  • /root/node_modules/@types/module.d.ts.
  • /root/node_modules/module/index.ts.
  • /root/node_modules/module/index.tsx.
  • /root/node_modules/module/index.d.ts.
  • /node_modules/module.ts.
  • /node_modules/module.tsx.
  • /node_modules/module.d.ts.
  • /node_modules/module/package.json (if it specifies a types property).
  • /node_modules/@types/module.d.ts.
  • /node_modules/module/index.ts.
  • /node_modules/module/index.tsx.
  • /node_modules/module/index.d.ts.

Basic Types

  • boolean.
  • number.
  • string.
  • array.
  • tuple:
    • Fixed number of elements whose types are known.
    • Variable length array types aren’t assignable to tuple types.
  • enum.
  • null.
  • undefined.
  • void.
  • any.
  • unknown: 任何类型都能分配给 unknown, 但 unknown 不能分配给其他基本类型.
  • never:
    • switch default case guard (exhaustiveness check).
    • Reduce never intersection type.
    • Ignored in union type:
      • mapped conditional type.
      • distributive conditional type.
let num: number
let str: string
let bool: boolean
let boolArray: boolean[]
let tuple: [string, number]
let power: any

// 赋值任意类型
power = '123'
power = 123

// 它也兼容任何类型
power = num
num = power

function log(message: string): void {
function unknownColor(x: never): never {
throw new Error('unknown color')

type Color = 'red' | 'green' | 'blue'

function getColorName(c: Color): string {
switch (c) {
case 'red':
return 'is red'
case 'green':
return 'is green'
return unknownColor(c)

Enum Types

Number Enum

enum CardSuit {
Clubs = 1,
Diamonds, // 2
Hearts, // 3
Spades, // 4

// 简单的使用枚举类型
let Card = CardSuit.Clubs

// 类型安全
Card = 'not a member of card suit' // Error: string 不能赋值给 `CardSuit` 类型

String Enum

enum EvidenceTypeEnum {
PASSPORT_VISA = 'passport_visa',
PASSPORT = 'passport',
SIGHTED_STUDENT_CARD = 'sighted_tertiary_edu_id',
SIGHTED_KEYPASS_CARD = 'sighted_keypass_card',
SIGHTED_PROOF_OF_AGE_CARD = 'sighted_proof_of_age_card',

Enum Parameters

enum Weekday {

namespace Weekday {
export function isBusinessDay(day: Weekday) {
switch (day) {
case Weekday.Saturday:
case Weekday.Sunday:
return false
return true

const mon = Weekday.Monday
const sun = Weekday.Sunday

console.log(Weekday.isBusinessDay(mon)) // true

Enum Flags

enum AnimalFlags {
None = 0,
HasClaws = 1 << 0,
CanFly = 1 << 1,
EatsFish = 1 << 2,
Endangered = 1 << 3,
// eslint-disable-next-line ts/prefer-literal-enum-member
EndangeredFlyingClawedFishEating = HasClaws | CanFly | EatsFish | Endangered,

interface Animal {
flags: AnimalFlags
[key: string]: any

function printAnimalAbilities(animal: Animal) {
const animalFlags = animal.flags
if (animalFlags & AnimalFlags.HasClaws)
console.log('animal has claws')

if (animalFlags & AnimalFlags.CanFly)
console.log('animal can fly')

if (animalFlags === AnimalFlags.None)

const animal = { flags: AnimalFlags.None }
printAnimalAbilities(animal) // nothing
animal.flags |= AnimalFlags.HasClaws
printAnimalAbilities(animal) // animal has claws
animal.flags &= ~AnimalFlags.HasClaws
printAnimalAbilities(animal) // nothing
animal.flags |= AnimalFlags.HasClaws | AnimalFlags.CanFly
printAnimalAbilities(animal) // animal has claws, animal can fly

Enum Index Signature

keyof typeof EnumType:

enum ColorPalette {
red = '#f03e3e',
pink = '#d7336c',
grape = '#ae3ec9',
violet = '#7048e8',
indigo = '#4263eb',
blue = '#1890ff',
cyan = '#1098ad',
teal = '#0ca678',
green = '#37b24d',
lime = '#74b816',
yellow = '#f59f00',
orange = '#f76707',

function hashString(name = '') {
return name.length

function getColorByName(name = ''): string {
const palette = Object.keys(ColorPalette)
const colorIdx = hashString(name) % palette.length
const paletteIdx = palette[colorIdx] as keyof typeof ColorPalette
return ColorPalette[paletteIdx]

Enum Internals

const enums don’t have representation at runtime, its member values are used directly.

// Source code:
const enum NoYes {

function toGerman(value: NoYes) {
switch (value) {
case NoYes.No:
return 'Neither'
case NoYes.Yes:
return 'Ja'

// Compiles to:
function toGerman(value) {
switch (value) {
case 'No' /* No */:
return 'Neither'
case 'Yes' /* Yes */:
return 'Ja'

Non-const enums are objects:

// Source code:
enum Tristate {

// Compiles to:
let Tristate
;(function (Tristate) {
Tristate[(Tristate.False = 0)] = 'False'
Tristate[(Tristate.True = 1)] = 'True'
Tristate[(Tristate.Unknown = 2)] = 'Unknown'
})(Tristate || (Tristate = {}))

console.log(Tristate[0]) // 'False'
console.log(Tristate.False) // 0
console.log(Tristate[Tristate.False]) // 'False' because `Tristate.False == 0`
enum NoYes {
No = 'NO!',
Yes = 'YES!',

let NoYes
;(function (NoYes) {
NoYes.No = 'NO!'
NoYes.Yes = 'YES!'
})(NoYes || (NoYes = {}))


Function Interface

interface ReturnString {
(): string

declare const foo: ReturnString

const bar = foo() // bar 被推断为一个字符串
interface Complex {
(foo: string, bar?: number, ...others: boolean[]): number
interface Overloaded {
(foo: string): string
(foo: number): number

// 实现接口的一个例子:
function stringOrNumber(foo: number): number
function stringOrNumber(foo: string): string
function stringOrNumber(foo: any): any {
if (typeof foo === 'number')
return foo * foo
else if (typeof foo === 'string')
return `hello ${foo}`

const overloaded: Overloaded = stringOrNumber

// 使用
const str = overloaded('') // str 被推断为 'string'
const num = overloaded(123) // num 被推断为 'number'

WangCai extends Dog extends Animal. Animal => WangCai 是 Dog => Dog 的子类型:

  • 函数参数的类型兼容是反向的, 称之为逆变.
  • 返回值的类型兼容是正向的, 称之为协变.

Arrow Function

在一个以 number 类型为参数,以 string 类型为返回值的函数中:

const simple: (foo: number) => string = foo => foo.toString()

Function Overload


  • 多个重载签名和一个实现签名.
  • 定义了重载签名, 则实现签名对外不可见.
  • 实现签名必须兼容重载签名.
// 重载
function padding(all: number)
function padding(topAndBottom: number, leftAndRight: number)
function padding(top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number)
function padding(a: number, b?: number, c?: number, d?: number) {
if (b === undefined && c === undefined && d === undefined) {
b = c = d = a
} else if (c === undefined && d === undefined) {
c = a
d = b
return {
top: a,
right: b,
bottom: c,
left: d,

padding(1) // Okay: all
padding(1, 1) // Okay: topAndBottom, leftAndRight
padding(1, 1, 1, 1) // Okay: top, right, bottom, left
padding(1, 1, 1) // Error: Not a part of the available overloads
Function Overload

TypeScript 中的函数重载没有任何运行时开销. 它只允许你记录希望调用函数的方式, 并且编译器会检查其余代码.

Rest Parameters

type Arr = readonly unknown[]
function partialCall<T extends Arr, U extends Arr, R>(
f: (...args: [...T, ...U]) => R,
...headArgs: T
) {
return (...tailArgs: U) => f(...headArgs, ...tailArgs)

function foo(x: string, y: number, z: boolean) {}
const f1 = partialCall(foo, 100)
const f2 = partialCall(foo, 'hello', 100, true, 'oops')
const f3 = partialCall(foo, 'hello')

f3(123, true)
f3(123, 'hello')

Function Types Design

  • Input types tend to be broader than output types.
  • Optional properties and union types are more common in parameter types.
  • To reuse types between parameters and return types, introduce a canonical form (for return types) and a looser form (for parameters).
interface LngLat {
lng: number
lat: number

type LngLatLike = LngLat | { lon: number, lat: number } | [number, number]

interface Camera {
center: LngLat
zoom: number
bearing: number
pitch: number

interface CameraOptions extends Omit<Partial<Camera>, 'center'> {
center?: LngLatLike

function createCamera(options: CameraOptions): Camera {
return CameraFactory.create(options)


interface Name {
first: string
second: string

let name: Name
name = {
first: 'John',
second: 'Doe',

name = {
// Error: 'Second is missing'
first: 'John',

name = {
// Error: 'Second is the wrong type'
first: 'John',
second: 1337,

Interface Function

  • Use a method function for class instances (this binding to function).
  • Use a property function otherwise.
interface HasBothFunctionTypes {
method: () => string
property: () => string

Interface Implementation

Implementing interface is purely safety check, does not copy any interface members onto class definition:

interface Crazy {
new (): {
hello: number

class CrazyClass implements Crazy {
constructor() {
return { hello: 123 }

// Because
const crazy = new CrazyClass() // crazy would be { hello:123 }

Interface Extension

Overridden Properties

Overridden property must be assignable to its base property (ensure derived interface assignable to base interface):

interface WithNullableName {
name: string | null

interface WithNonNullableName extends WithNullableName {
name: string

interface WithNumericName extends WithNullableName {
name: number | string
// Error: Interface 'WithNumericName' incorrectly
// extends interface 'WithNullableName'.
// Types of property 'name' are incompatible.
// Type 'string | number' is not assignable to type 'string | null'.
// Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Interface Merging

Interface merging isn’t used often in day-to-day TypeScript development, but useful for augmenting interfaces from external 3rd-party packages (e.g Cypress) or built-in global interfaces (e.g Window):

// Lib a.d.ts
interface Point {
x: number
y: number
declare const myPoint: Point

// Lib b.d.ts
interface Point {
z: number

// Your code
const z = myPoint.z // Allowed!

Extend 3rd-party module interface:

declare module '3rd-party-module' {
export interface Interface {
foo: { title: string }

Interface and Type Alias

  • Type aliases may not participate in declaration merging, but interfaces can.
  • Interfaces may only be used to declare the shapes of object, not re-name primitives.
  • The key distinction is that a type cannot be re-opened to add new properties, an interface which is always extendable.
interface Window {
title: string

interface Window {
ts: TypeScriptAPI

const src = 'const a = "Hello World"'
window.ts.transpileModule(src, {})

Type Modifiers

Member Access Modifiers

public, protected and private:

class Singleton {
private static instance: Singleton
private constructor() {
// ..

public static getInstance() {
if (!Singleton.instance)
Singleton.instance = new Singleton()

return Singleton.instance

someMethod() {}

const someThing = new Singleton() // Error: constructor of 'singleton' is private

const instance = Singleton.getInstance() // do some thing with the instance

Readonly Type Modifier


interface Foo {
readonly bar: number
readonly bas: number

// 初始化
const foo: Foo = { bar: 123, bas: 456 }

// 不能被改变 = 456 // Error: 为仅读属性

readonly indexable signature:

type Foo = Readonly<Record<number, number>>

// 使用

const foo: Foo = { 0: 123, 2: 345 }
console.log(foo[0]) // ok (读取)
foo[0] = 456 // Error: 属性只读

readonly class properties:

class Foo {
readonly bar = 1 // OK
readonly baz: string
constructor() {
this.baz = 'hello' // OK

readonly generic type:

interface Foo {
bar: number
bas: number

type FooReadonly = Readonly<Foo>

const foo: Foo = { bar: 123, bas: 456 }
const fooReadonly: FooReadonly = { bar: 123, bas: 456 } = 456 // ok = 456 // Error: bar 属性只读

readonly React props:

class Something extends React.Component<{ foo: number }, { baz: number }> {
someMethod() { = 123 // Error: props 是不可变的
this.state.baz = 456 // Error: 你应该使用 this.setState()

readonly is shallow:

const dates: readonly Date[] = [new Date()]
dates.push(new Date()) // Error
dates[0].setFullYear(2037) // OK

Call Signature

Call Signature Type

Call signature looks similar to a function type, but with a : colon instead of an => arrow:

type FunctionAlias = (input: string) => number

interface CallSignature {
(input: string): number

// Type: (input: string) => number
const typedFunctionAlias: FunctionAlias = input => input.length // Ok

// Type: (input: string) => number
const typedCallSignature: CallSignature = input => input.length // Ok

Call Signature Property

Call signatures can be used to describe functions that have some additional user-defined property on them:

interface FunctionWithCount {
count: number
(): void

let hasCallCount: FunctionWithCount

function keepsTrackOfCalls() {
keepsTrackOfCalls.count += 1
console.log(`I've been called ${keepsTrackOfCalls.count} times!`)

keepsTrackOfCalls.count = 0

hasCallCount = keepsTrackOfCalls // Ok

function doesNotHaveCount() {
console.log('No idea!')

hasCallCount = doesNotHaveCount
// Error: Property 'count' is missing in type
// '() => void' but required in type 'FunctionWithCalls'

Index Signature

For JavaScript, implicitly calls toString on any object index signature:

const obj = {
toString() {
console.log('toString called')
return 'Hello'

const foo: any = {}
foo[obj] = 'World' // toString called
console.log(foo[obj]) // toString called, World
console.log(foo.Hello) // World

TypeScript will give an error to prevent beginners from doing such things, throw index signature error:

Element implicitly has an 'any' type
because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type XXX.

Can fixed with:

  • Record<string, T>.
  • K extends keyof T: explicit Constrained key type.
// propertyName should be extends keyof T
function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(o: T, propertyName: K): T[K] {
return o[propertyName] // o[propertyName] is of type T[K]

Index Signature Type Check

const x: { foo: number, [x: string]: any }
x = { foo: 1, baz: 2 } // ok, 'baz' 属性匹配于索引签名


// ok
interface Foo {
[key: string]: number
x: number
y: number

// Error
interface Bar {
[key: string]: number
x: number
y: string // Error: y 属性必须为 number 类型


interface FieldState {
value: string

type FormState = { isValid: boolean } & Record<string, FieldState>

Select Index Types

type Index = 'a' | 'b' | 'c'
type FromIndex = { [k in Index]?: number }

const good: FromIndex = { b: 1, c: 2 }

// Error:
// `{ b: 1, c: 2, d: 3 }` 不能分配给 'FromIndex'
// 对象字面量只能指定已知类型,'d' 不存在 'FromIndex' 类型上
const bad: FromIndex = { b: 1, c: 2, d: 3 }
type FromSomeIndex<K extends string> = { [key in K]: number }

Symbol Index Types

Since typescript v4.4.0:

type SymbolMap<T> = Record<symbol, T>
interface PropertyMap {
[key: string]: string
[key: number]: string
[key: symbol]: string
type Colors = Record<symbol, number>

const red = Symbol('red')
const green = Symbol('green')
const blue = Symbol('blue')

const colors: Colors = {}

colors[red] = 255 // Assignment of a number is allowed
const redVal = colors[red] // 'redVal' has the type 'number'

colors[blue] = 'da ba dee' // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

Template Literal Index Types

Since typescript v4.4.0:

type DataProps = Record<`data-${string}`, string>

interface OptionsWithDataProps extends Options {
// Permit any property starting with 'data-'.
[optName: `data-${string}`]: unknown

const b: OptionsWithDataProps = {
'width': 100,
'height': 100,
'data-blah': true, // Works!
'unknown-property': true, // Error! 'unknown-property' wasn't declared in 'OptionsWithDataProps'.
type Thing<T> = Record<'a' | `foo${T}` | symbol, string>

type StringThing = Thing<string>
// => { [a: string, [x: `foo${string}`]: string, [x: symbol]: string }
type BarThing = Thing<'bar'>
// => { [a: string, foobar: string, [x: symbol]: string }

Indexed Access Types

const MyArray = [
{ name: 'Alice', age: 15 },
{ name: 'Bob', age: 23 },
{ name: 'Eve', age: 38 },

type Person = (typeof MyArray)[number]
// type Person = {
// name: string;
// age: number;
// }

type Age = (typeof MyArray)[number]['age']
// type Age = number

type Age2 = Person['age']
// type Age2 = number

interface UserRoleConfig {
visitor: ['up']
user: ['view', 'create', 'update']
admin: ['view', 'create', 'update', 'delete']

type Role = UserRoleConfig[keyof UserRoleConfig][number]
// type Role = 'up' | 'view' | 'create' | 'update' | "delete"

{ [K in keyof T]: indexedType }[keyof T] 返回键名 (键名组成的联合类型):

type PickByValueType<T, ValueType> = Pick<
{ [K in keyof T]-?: T[K] extends ValueType ? K : never }[keyof T]

type OmitByValueType<T, ValueType> = Pick<
{ [K in keyof T]-?: T[K] extends ValueType ? never : K }[keyof T]

type RequiredKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: object extends Pick<T, K> ? never : K
}[keyof T]

type OptionalKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: object extends Pick<T, K> ? K : never
}[keyof T]

type FunctionTypeKeys<T extends object> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: T[K] extends Function ? K : never
}[keyof T]

type Filter<T extends object, ValueType> = {
[K in keyof T as ValueType extends T[K] ? K : never]: T[K]
} // Filter<{name: string; id: number;}, string> => {name: string;}

type FuncName<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? K : never
}[keyof T]

Literal Types

type CardinalDirection = 'North' | 'East' | 'South' | 'West'

function move(distance: number, direction: CardinalDirection) {
// ...

move(1, 'North') // ok
move(1, 'Nurth') // Error

type OneToFive = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
type Bools = true | false
interface Options {
width: number

function configure(x: Options | 'auto') {
// ...

configure({ width: 100 })
// Argument of type '"automatic"' is not assignable
// to parameter of type 'Options | "auto"'.

Template Literal Types

Basic Template Literal Types

Based on literal types:

type Brightness = 'dark' | 'light'
type Color = 'blue' | 'red'
type BrightnessAndColor = `${Brightness}-${Color}`
// Equivalent to: "dark-red" | "light-red" | "dark-blue" | "light-blue"

const colorOk: BrightnessAndColor = 'dark-blue' // Ok
const colorWrongStart: BrightnessAndColor = 'medium-blue'
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Type '"medium-blue"' is not assignable to type
// '"dark-blue" | "dark-red" | "light-blue" | "light-red"'.
const colorWrongEnd: BrightnessAndColor = 'light-green'
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Type '"light-green"' is not assignable to type
// '"dark-blue" | "dark-red" | "light-blue" | "light-red"'.

Intrinsic Template Literal Types

4 intrinsic string manipulation types:

  • Uppercase<StringType>.
  • Lowercase<StringType>.
  • Capitalize<StringType>.
  • Uncapitalize<StringType>.

Advanced Template Literal Types

Combined with other types:

type Greeting = `Hello${string}`
const matches: Greeting = 'Hello, world!' // Ok
const outOfOrder: Greeting = 'World! Hello!'
// ~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Type '"World! Hello!"' is not assignable to type '`Hello ${string}`'.
const missingAltogether: Greeting = 'hi'
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Type '"hi"' is not assignable to type '`Hello ${string}`'.

type ExtolNumber = `much ${number} wow`
function extol(extolArg: ExtolNumber) {
/* ... */
extol('much 0 wow') // Ok
extol('much -7 wow') // Ok
extol('much 9.001 wow') // Ok
extol('much false wow')
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Argument of type '"much false wow"' is not
// assignable to parameter of type '`much ${number} wow`'.
interface PropEventSource<Type> {
on: <Key extends string & keyof Type>(
eventName: `${Key}Changed`,
callback: (newValue: Type[Key]) => void
) => void

// Create a "watched object" with an 'on' method
// so that you can watch for changes to properties.
declare function makeWatchedObject<Type>(
obj: Type
): Type & PropEventSource<Type>

const person = makeWatchedObject({
firstName: 'Yi',
lastName: 'Long',
age: 26,

person.on('firstNameChanged', (newName) => {
// (parameter) newName: string
console.log(`new name is ${newName.toUpperCase()}`)

person.on('ageChanged', (newAge) => {
// (parameter) newAge: number
if (newAge < 0)
console.warn('warning! negative age')

// It's typo-resistent
person.on('firstName', () => {})
// Argument of type '"firstName"' is not assignable to
// parameter of type '"firstNameChanged" | "lastNameChanged" | "ageChanged"'.

person.on('fstNameChanged', () => {})
// Argument of type '"fstNameChanged"' is not assignable to
// parameter of type '"firstNameChanged" | "lastNameChanged" | "ageChanged"'.

Mapped Template Literal Types

Template Literal Keys

type DataKey = 'location' | 'name' | 'year'

type ExistenceChecks = {
[K in `check${Capitalize<DataKey>}`]: () => boolean
// Equivalent to:
// {
// checkLocation: () => boolean;
// checkName: () => boolean;
// checkYear: () => boolean;
// }

function checkExistence(checks: ExistenceChecks) {
checks.checkLocation() // Type: boolean
checks.checkName() // Type: boolean
// ~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Property 'checkWrong' does not exist on type 'ExistenceChecks'.

Remapping Mapped Type Keys

const config = {
location: 'unknown',
name: 'anonymous',
year: 0,

type LazyValues = {
[K in keyof typeof config as `${string & K}Lazy`]: () => Promise<
(typeof config)[K]
// Equivalent to:
// {
// locationLazy: Promise<string>;
// nameLazy: Promise<string>;
// yearLazy: Promise<number>;
// }

async function withLazyValues(configGetter: LazyValues) {
await configGetter.locationLazy // Resultant type: string
await configGetter.missingLazy()
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Property 'missingLazy' does not exist on type 'LazyValues'.

Union Types

Basic Union

function formatCommandLine(command: string[] | string) {
let line = ''

if (typeof command === 'string')
line = command.trim()
line = command.join(' ').trim()

// Do stuff with line: string

Discriminated Union

interface Square {
kind: 'square'
size: number

interface Rectangle {
kind: 'rectangle'
width: number
height: number

interface Circle {
kind: 'circle'
radius: number

type Shape = Square | Rectangle | Circle

function area(s: Shape) {
switch (s.kind) {
case 'square':
return s.size * s.size
case 'rectangle':
return s.width * s.height
case 'circle':
return Math.PI * s.radius ** 2
default: {
const _exhaustiveCheck: never = s
return _exhaustiveCheck

IteratorResult discriminated union:

interface IteratorYieldResult<TYield> {
done?: false // boolean literal type
value: TYield

interface IteratorReturnResult<TReturn> {
done: true // boolean literal type
value: TReturn

type IteratorResult<T, TReturn = any> =
| IteratorYieldResult<T>
| IteratorReturnResult<TReturn>

Rust-style discriminated union:

type Option<T> = Some<T> | None
interface Some<T> {
kind: 'Some'
value: T
interface None {
kind: 'None'

type Result<TResult, TError> = Success<TResult> | Failure<TError>
interface Success<T> {
kind: 'Success'
value: T
interface Failure<T> {
kind: 'Failure'
error: T

Prefer Unions of Interfaces to Interfaces of Unions:

// BAD design.
interface BadLayer {
layout: FillLayout | LineLayout | PointLayout
paint: FillPaint | LinePaint | PointPaint

// GOOD design.
interface FillLayer {
type: 'fill'
layout: FillLayout
paint: FillPaint

interface LineLayer {
type: 'line'
layout: LineLayout
paint: LinePaint

interface PointLayer {
type: 'point'
layout: PointLayout
paint: PointPaint

type GoodLayer = FillLayer | LineLayer | PointLayer

Intersection Types

intersection type 具有所有类型的功能:

function extend<T, U>(first: T, second: U): T & U {
const result = {} as T & U
for (const id in first) {
;(result as T)[id] = first[id]
for (const id in second) {
if (!, id)) {
;(result as U)[id] = second[id]

return result

const x = extend({ a: 'hello' }, { b: 42 })

// 现在 x 拥有了 a 属性与 b 属性
const a = x.a
const b = x.b

Generic Types

Generic Function

function reverse<T>(items: T[]): T[] {
const toReturn = []
for (let i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

return toReturn

Generic Parameters

type Event =
| {
type: 'LogIn'
payload: {
userId: string
| {
type: 'SignOut'

function sendEvent<Type extends Event['type']>(
...args: Extract<Event, { type: Type }> extends { payload: infer Payload }
? [type: Type, payload: Payload]
: [type: Type]
) {
// Send event ...

Generic Class

// 创建一个泛型类
class Queue<T> {
private data = []
push = (item: T) =>
pop = (): T =>

// 简单的使用
const queue = new Queue<number>()
queue.push('1') // Error:不能推入一个 `string`,只有 number 类型被允许
interface Listener<T> {
(event: T): any

interface Disposable {
dispose: () => any

class TypedEvent<T> {
private listeners: Listener<T>[] = []
private listenersOnce: Listener<T>[] = []

public on = (listener: Listener<T>): Disposable => {

return {
dispose: () =>,

public once = (listener: Listener<T>): void => {

public off = (listener: Listener<T>) => {
const callbackIndex = this.listeners.indexOf(listener)
if (callbackIndex > -1)
this.listeners.splice(callbackIndex, 1)

public emit = (event: T) => {
this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener(event))

this.listenersOnce.forEach(listener => listener(event))
this.listenersOnce = []

public pipe = (te: TypedEvent<T>): Disposable => {
return this.on(e => te.emit(e))

Generic Type Alias

type CreatesValue<Input, Output> = (input: Input) => Output

// Type: (input: string) => number
let creator: CreatesValue<string, number>

creator = text => text.length // Ok

creator = text => text.toUpperCase()
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

Generic Discriminated Union

type Result<Data> = FailureResult | SuccessfulResult<Data>

interface FailureResult {
error: Error
succeeded: false

interface SuccessfulResult<Data> {
data: Data
succeeded: true

function handleResult(result: Result<string>) {
if (result.succeeded) {
// Type of result: SuccessfulResult<string>
console.log(`We did it! ${}`)
} else {
// Type of result: FailureResult
console.error(`Em... ${result.error}`)

// ~~~~
// Error: Property 'data' does not exist on type 'Result<string>'.
// Property 'data' does not exist on type 'FailureResult'.

Explicit Generic Types

class Foo<T> {
foo: T

const FooNumber = Foo as { new (): Foo<number> } // ref 1

function id<T>(x: T) {
return x

const idNum = id as { (x: number): number }

Default Generic Types

interface Quote<T = string> {
value: T

const explicit: Quote<number> = { value: 123 }
const implicit: Quote = {
value: 'Be yourself. The world worships the original.',
const mismatch: Quote = { value: 123 }
// ~~~
// Error: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

interface KeyValuePair<Key, Value = Key> {
key: Key
value: Value

// Type: KeyValuePair<string, number>
const allExplicit: KeyValuePair<string, number> = {
key: 'rating',
value: 10,

// Type: KeyValuePair<string>
const oneDefaulting: KeyValuePair<string> = {
key: 'rating',
value: 'ten',

const firstMissing: KeyValuePair = {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Error: Generic type 'KeyValuePair<Key, Value>'
// requires between 1 and 2 type arguments.
key: 'rating',
value: 10,

Constrained Generic Types

Constrained union types:

interface Lengthwise {
length: number

function createList<T extends number | Lengthwise>(): T[] {
return [] as T[]

const numberList = createList<number>() // ok
const stringList = createList<string>() // ok
const arrayList = createList<any[]>() // ok
const boolList = createList<boolean>() // error

Constrained template literal types:

type RemoveMapsHelper<T> = T extends `maps:${infer U}` ? U : T
type RemoveMaps<T> = {
[K in keyof T as RemoveMapsHelper<K>]: T[K]

interface Data {
'maps:longitude': string
'maps:latitude': string
'awesome': boolean
type ShapedData = RemoveMaps<Data>
// type ShapedData = {
// longitude: string;
// latitude: string;
// awesome: boolean;
// }

Constrained index types:

function getValue<T, Key extends keyof T>(container: T, key: Key) {
return container[key]

const roles = {
favorite: 'Fargo',
others: ['Almost Famous', 'Burn After Reading', 'NorthLand'],

const favorite = getValue(roles, 'favorite') // Type: string
const others = getValue(roles, 'others') // Type: string[]
const missing = getValue(roles, 'extras')
// ~~~~~~~~
// Error: Argument of type '"extras"' is not assignable
// to parameter of type '"favorite" | "others"'.

function getDeepValue<
FirstKey extends keyof T,
SecondKey extends keyof T[FirstKey],
>(target: T, firstKey: FirstKey, secondKey: SecondKey): T[FirstKey][SecondKey] {
return target[firstKey][secondKey]

const target = {
foo: {
a: true,
b: 2,
bar: {
c: 'cool',
d: 2,

const result1 = getDeepValue(target, 'foo', 'a') // boolean
const result2 = getDeepValue(target, 'bar', 'c') // string

Constrained default types:

interface Props {
a1: 'Foo'
a2: 'Bar'
a3: 'FooBar'
b1: 'b1'
b2: 'b2'
b3: 'b3'

type ExtractValues<T, Keys extends keyof T = Extract<keyof T, `a${string}`>> = {
[K in Keys]: T[K]

type Values = ExtractValues<Props>
// type Values = 'Foo' | 'Bar' | 'FooBar'

Generic Types Programming

在类型编程里, 泛型就是变量:

function pick<T extends object, U extends keyof T>(obj: T, keys: U[]): T[U][] {
return => obj[key])
Generic Golden Rule

Type T parameters should appear twice:

If a type parameter only appears in one location, strongly reconsider if actually need it.

Conditional Types

  • Basic conditional types just like if else statement.
  • Nested conditional types just like switch case statement.
  • Distributive conditional types just like map statement (loop statement) on union type.
  • Conditional types make TypeScript become real programming type system: TypeScript type system is Turing Complete.

Basic Conditional Types

interface Animal {
live: () => void
interface Dog extends Animal {
woof: () => void

type Example1 = Dog extends Animal ? number : string
// => type Example1 = number

type Example2 = RegExp extends Animal ? number : string
// => type Example2 = string

Nested Conditional Types

  • Conditional types can be nested.
  • 通过嵌套条件类型, 可以将类型约束收拢到精确范围.
type TypeName<T> = T extends string
? 'string'
: T extends number
? 'number'
: T extends boolean
? 'boolean'
: T extends undefined
? 'undefined'
: T extends Function
? 'function'
: 'object'

Index Conditional Types

Conditional types are able to access members of provided types:

interface QueryOptions {
throwIfNotFound: boolean

type QueryResult<Options extends QueryOptions> =
Options['throwIfNotFound'] extends true ? string : string | undefined

declare function retrieve<Options extends QueryOptions>(
key: string,
options?: Options
): Promise<QueryResult<Options>>

// Returned type: string | undefined
await retrieve('1')

// Returned type: string | undefined
await retrieve('2', { throwIfNotFound: Math.random() > 0.5 })

// Returned type: string
await retrieve('3', { throwIfNotFound: true })

Mapped Conditional Types

type MakeAllMembersFunctions<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T[K] : () => T[K]

type MemberFunctions = MakeAllMembersFunctions<{
alreadyFunction: () => string
notYetFunction: number
// Type:
// {
// alreadyFunction: () => string,
// notYetFunction: () => number,
// }

Distributive Conditional Types

Type distributivity:

  • Conditional types in which checked type is naked type parameter are called DCT.
  • DCT are automatically distributed over union types during instantiation.
  • When conditional types act on a generic type, they become distributive when given a union type.
  • ( A | B | C ) extends T ? X : Y 相当于 (A extends T ? X : Y) | (B extends T ? X : Y) | (B extends T ? X : Y).
  • 没有被额外包装的联合类型参数, 在条件类型进行判定时会将联合类型分发, 分别进行判断.
// "string" | "function"
type T1 = TypeName<string | (() => void)>

// "string" | "object"
type T2 = TypeName<string | string[]>

// "object"
type T3 = TypeName<string[] | number[]>
type Naked<T> = T extends boolean ? 'Y' : 'N'
type Wrapped<T> = [T] extends [boolean] ? 'Y' : 'N'

* 先分发到 Naked<number> | Naked<boolean>
* 结果是 "N" | "Y"
type Distributed = Naked<number | boolean>

* 不会分发 直接是 [number | boolean] extends [boolean]
* 结果是 "N"
type NotDistributed = Wrapped<number | boolean>

Moving Types

Typeof Types

// 捕获字符串的类型与值
const foo = 'Hello World'

// 使用一个捕获的类型
let bar: typeof foo

// bar 仅能被赋值 'Hello World'
bar = 'Hello World' // ok
bar = 'anything else' // Error

Keyof Types

keyof foo get literal types of foo keys (Object.keys):

const colors = {
red: 'red',
blue: 'blue',

type Colors = keyof typeof colors

let color: Colors // color 的类型是 'red' | 'blue' (literal types)
color = 'red' // ok
color = 'blue' // ok
color = 'anythingElse' // Error

Mapped Types

Builtin Mapped Types

Basic Mapped Types

type Readonly<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] }
type Partial<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] }
type ReadonlyPartial<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]?: T[P] }
type Required<T> = { [P in keyof T]-?: T[P] }
type Nullable<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] | null }
type NonNullable<T> = T extends null | undefined ? never : T
type Clone<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }
type Stringify<T> = { [P in keyof T]: string }

Union Mapped Types

With distributive conditional type:

type Extract<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T

Key Mapped Types

type Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = { [P in K]: T[P] }
type Omit<T, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>
type Record<K extends keyof any, T> = { [P in K]: T }

Function Mapped Types

type Parameters<T extends (...args: any) => any> = T extends (
...args: infer P
) => any
? P
: never

type ConstructorParameters<T extends new (...args: any) => any> =
T extends new (...args: infer P) => any ? P : never

type ReturnType<T extends (...args: any) => any> = T extends (
...args: any[]
) => infer R
? R
: any

type InstanceType<T extends new (...args: any) => any> = T extends new (
...args: any
) => infer R
? R
: any

type ThisParameterType<T> = T extends (this: infer U, ...args: any[]) => any
? U
: unknown

Custom Mapped Types

Combine with:

  • in keyof.
  • readonly.
  • ?.
  • -.
  • as.
  • Template literal types.
  • Conditional types.
  • Builtin types.
  • Other mapped types.
  • Other custom types.
// Removes 'readonly' attributes from a type's properties
type Mutable<T> = {
-readonly [K in keyof T]: T[K]

type DeepImmutable<T> = {
readonly [K in keyof T]: keyof T[K] extends undefined ? T[K] : Immutable<T[K]>

interface LockedAccount {
readonly id: string
readonly name: string

type UnlockedAccount = Mutable<LockedAccount>
// type UnlockedAccount = {
// id: string;
// name: string;
// };
// Mapped types via `as` type
type Getters<Type> = {
[Property in keyof Type as `get${Capitalize<
string & Property
>}`]: () => Type[Property]

interface Person {
name: string
age: number
location: string

type LazyPerson = Getters<Person>
// type LazyPerson = {
// getName: () => string;
// getAge: () => number;
// getLocation: () => string;
// }
// Remove the 'kind' property
type RemoveKindField<Type> = {
[Property in keyof Type as Exclude<Property, 'kind'>]: Type[Property]

interface Circle {
kind: 'circle'
radius: number

type KindlessCircle = RemoveKindField<Circle>
// type KindlessCircle = {
// radius: number;
// }
// Mapped type via conditional type
type ExtractPII<Type> = {
[Property in keyof Type]: Type[Property] extends { pii: true } ? true : false

interface DBFields {
id: { format: 'incrementing' }
name: { type: string, pii: true }

type ObjectsNeedingGDPRDeletion = ExtractPII<DBFields>
// type ObjectsNeedingGDPRDeletion = {
// id: false;
// name: true;
// }

Utility Types

Null Types

type Nullish = null | undefined
type Nullable<T> = T | null
type NonUndefinedable<A> = A extends undefined ? never : A
type NonNullable<T> = T extends null | undefined ? never : T

Boolean Types

type Falsy = false | '' | 0 | null | undefined
const isFalsy = (val: unknown): val is Falsy => !val

Primitive Types

type Primitive = string | number | boolean | bigint | symbol | null | undefined

function isPrimitive(val: unknown): val is Primitive {
if (val === null || val === undefined)
return true

const typeDef = typeof val

const primitiveNonNullishTypes = [

return primitiveNonNullishTypes.includes(typeDef)

Promise Types

// TypeScript 4.5.
// Get naked Promise<T> type.
type Awaited<T> = T extends Promise<infer U> ? Awaited<U> : T

// A = string.
type A = Awaited<Promise<string>>

// B = number.
type B = Awaited<Promise<Promise<number>>>

// C = boolean | number.
type C = Awaited<boolean | Promise<number>>
type Sync<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<infer Result>
? (...args: Parameters<T[K]>) => Result
: T[K]

interface AsyncInterface {
compute: (arg: number) => Promise<boolean>
createString: () => Promise<string>

type SyncInterface = Sync<AsyncInterface>
// type SyncInterface = {
// compute: (arg: number) => boolean;
// createString: () => String;
// }

Proxy Types

interface Proxy<T> {
get: () => T
set: (value: T) => void

type Proxify<T> = { [P in keyof T]: Proxy<T[P]> }

Recursive Types

type DeepReadonly<T> = {
+readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends object ? DeepReadonly<T[P]> : T[P]

type DeepMutable<T> = {
-readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends object ? DeepMutable<T[P]> : T[P]

type DeepPartial<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends object ? DeepPartial<T[P]> : T[P]

type DeepRequired<T> = {
[P in keyof T]-?: T[P] extends object | undefined ? DeepRequired<T[P]> : T[P]

Nominal Brand Types

Nominal type system:

interface FooId extends string {
_fooIdBrand: string

interface BarId extends string {
_barIdBrand: string

let fooId: FooId
let barId: BarId

// 类型安全
fooId = barId // error
barId = fooId // error
fooId = barId as FooId // error
barId = fooId as BarId // error
const typeSym = Symbol('type')
const valueSym = Symbol('value')

type Brand<B extends string, T> = T extends
| undefined
| null
| number
| boolean
| bigint
? { [typeSym]: B, [valueSym]: T }
: T & { [typeSym]: B }

type Flavor<F extends string, T> = T & {
[typeSym]?: F

Lodash Types

type Flatten<Type> = Type extends Array<infer Item> ? Item : Type

Type Inference

类型系统在获得足够的信息后, 能将 infer 后跟随的类型参数推导出来, 最后返回这个推导结果:

type Parameters<T extends (...args: any) => any> = T extends (
...args: infer P
) => any
? P
: never

type ConstructorParameters<T extends new (...args: any) => any> =
T extends new (...args: infer P) => any ? P : never

type ReturnType<T extends (...args: any) => any> = T extends (
...args: any[]
) => infer R
? R
: any

type InstanceType<T extends new (...args: any) => any> = T extends new (
...args: any
) => infer R
? R
: any

在协变位置上, 若同一个类型变量存在多个候选者, 则最终的类型将被推断为联合类型:

type PropertyType<T> = T extends { id: infer U, name: infer U } ? U : never

type InferType = PropertyType<{
id: number
name: string
// string | number

在逆变位置上, 若同一个类型变量存在多个候选者, 则最终的类型将被推断为交叉类型:

type PropertyType<T> = T extends {
a: (x: infer U) => void
b: (x: infer U) => void
? U
: never

type InferType = PropertyType<{
a: (x: string) => void
b: (x: number) => void
// string & number

type UnionToIntersection<U> = (
U extends any ? (arg: U) => void : never
) extends (arg: infer R) => void
? R
: never

type UnionType = { a: 'a' } | { b: 'b' }
type IntersectionType = UnionToIntersection<UnionType>
// { a: 'a' } & { b: 'b' }

Type Guard

In Type Guard

interface Fish {
swim: () => void
interface Bird {
fly: () => void

function move(animal: Fish | Bird) {
if ('swim' in animal)
return animal.swim()


Instance Type Guard

function logValue(x: Date | string) {
if (x instanceof Date)

TypeOf Type Guard

function fn(x: string | number) {
if (typeof x === 'string')
return x.length
return x + 1
function getScore(value: number | string): number {
switch (typeof value) {
case 'number':
// %inferred-type: number
return value + 1
case 'string':
// %inferred-type: string
return value.length
throw new Error(`Unsupported value: ${value}`)
function contains(text: string, terms: string | string[]) {
const termList = Array.isArray(terms) ? terms : [terms]
console.log(termList) // string[]

Discriminated Union Type Guard

interface Teacher {
kind: 'Teacher'
teacherId: string

interface Student {
kind: 'Student'
studentId: string

type Attendee = Teacher | Student

function getId(attendee: Attendee) {
switch (attendee.kind) {
case 'Teacher':
// %inferred-type: { kind: "Teacher"; teacherId: string; }
return attendee.teacherId
case 'Student':
// %inferred-type: { kind: "Student"; studentId: string; }
return attendee.studentId
throw new Error('Unsupported type')

Never Type Guard

  • The never type is assignable to every type.
  • No type is assignable to never (except never itself).
interface Triangle {
kind: 'triangle'
sideLength: number

type Shape = Circle | Square | Triangle

function getArea(shape: Shape) {
switch (shape.kind) {
case 'circle':
return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2
case 'square':
return shape.sideLength ** 2
default: {
// Type 'Triangle' is not assignable to type 'never'.
const _exhaustiveCheck: never = shape
return _exhaustiveCheck
Never and Void
  • 当一个函数返回空值时, 它的返回值为 void 类型.
  • 当一个函数永不返回时 (或者总是抛出错误), 它的返回值为 never 类型.
  • strictNullCheckingfalse 时, void 类型可以被赋值.
  • 除了 never 本身以外, 其他任何类型不能赋值给 never.
function fail(message: string): never {
throw new Error(`Invariant failure: ${message}.`)

function workWithUnsafeParam(param: unknown) {
if (typeof param !== 'string')
fail(`Param should be a string, not ${typeof param}`)

// Here, param is known to be type string
param.toUpperCase() // Ok

Exhaustiveness Check

Exhaustiveness check using never in switch statement:

class UnsupportedValueError extends Error {
constructor(value: never) {
super(`Unsupported value: ${value}`)

function toGerman4(value: NoYesStrings): string {
switch (value) {
case 'Yes':
return 'Ja'
// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type '"No"'
// is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'. (2345)
throw new UnsupportedValueError(value)

Excess Property Check

Excess property check: types check on assigning object literal to variable/function parameter.

interface Room {
numDoors: number
ceilingHeightFt: number

const r: Room = {
numDoors: 1,
ceilingHeightFt: 10,
elephant: 'present',
// Excess property check:
// Object literal may only specify known properties,
// and 'elephant' does not exist in type 'Room'.

numDoors: 1,
ceilingHeightFt: 10,
elephant: 'present',
// Excess property check:
// Object literal may only specify known properties,
// and 'elephant' does not exist in type 'Room'.

// Normal structural types check
const obj = {
numDoors: 1,
ceilingHeightFt: 10,
elephant: 'present',

// OK
const r: Room = obj

Type Predicate Signature

is keyword for value type predicate:

type Falsy = false | '' | 0 | null | undefined

const isFalsy = (val: unknown): val is Falsy => !val

const isDefined = <T>(x: T | undefined): x is T => x !== undefined
function isNotNullish<T>(value: T): value is NonNullable<T> {
return value !== undefined && value !== null

// %inferred-type: (number | null | undefined)[]
const mixedValues = [1, undefined, 2, null]

// %inferred-type: number[]
const numbers = mixedValues.filter(isNotNullish)
* A partial implementation of the `typeof` operator.
function isTypeof(value: any, typeString: 'boolean'): value is boolean
function isTypeof(value: any, typeString: 'number'): value is number
function isTypeof(value: any, typeString: 'string'): value is string

const value: unknown = {}

if (isTypeof(value, 'boolean')) {
// %inferred-type: boolean

Type Assertion

As Assertion

let foo: any
const bar = foo as string // 现在 bar 的类型是 'string'

function handler(event: Event) {
const mouseEvent = event as MouseEvent

Const Assertion

const v1 = {
x: 1,
y: 2,
} // { x: number; y: number; }

const v2 = {
x: 1 as const,
y: 2,
} // { x: 1; y: number; }

const v3 = {
x: 1,
y: 2,
} as const // { readonly x: 1; readonly y: 2; }

const a1 = [1, 2, 3] // number[]

const a2 = [1, 2, 3] as const // readonly [1, 2, 3]

Const assertion readonly tuples are convenient for function returns (returned tuples are often destructured immediately):

// Return type: readonly [string, number]
function firstCharAndSizeAsConst(input: string) {
return [input[0], input.length] as const

// firstChar type: string
// size type: number
const [firstChar, size] = firstCharAndSizeAsConst('Sabertaz')

Assertion Signature

Boolean assertion signature

function assert(condition: any, msg?: string): asserts condition {
if (!condition)
throw new AssertionError(msg)

function yell(str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string')
return str.toUppercase()
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
// error: Property 'toUppercase' does not exist on type 'string'.
// Did you mean 'toUpperCase'?

String assertion signature

function assertIsString(val: any): asserts val is string {
if (typeof val !== 'string')
throw new AssertionError('Not a string!')

function yell(str: any) {
// Now TypeScript knows that 'str' is a 'string'.
return str.toUppercase()
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
// error: Property 'toUppercase' does not exist on type 'string'.
// Did you mean 'toUpperCase'?

Generics assertion signature

function assertIsDefined<T>(val: T): asserts val is NonNullable<T> {
if (val === undefined || val === null) {
throw new AssertionError(
`Expected 'val' to be defined, but received ${val}`


  • Attaching to a class: access to the class prototype and its member properties.
  • Attaching to a class property: access to the name and value of that property, along with its class prototype target.
  • Attaching to a class method parameter: access to that parameter’s index, name and value.
  • Attaching to a class method: access to the method’s parameters, the metadata associated with the method object, along with its class prototype target.
// class definitions
class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props, State> {
// class properties
private static api_version: string

// class method parameters
private handleFormSubmit1(@decorator myParam: string) {}

// class methods
private handleFormSubmit2() {}

// accessors
public myAccessor() {
return this.privateProperty

Decorators Pros

  • 实现 Open-closed 原则.
  • 分离辅助性功能逻辑 (Before/After 钩子, Trace, Log, Report, Debounce/Throttle) 与业务逻辑.
  • 抽象公有功能函数.
  • 装饰器模式是 Class 继承的一个替代模式. (类似于组合模式)

Legacy Stage 2 Decorators

Class Decorators

function classDecorator(options: any[]) {
return (target) => {
// ...

class Component {}
function inject(options: { api_version: string }) {
// returns the class decorator implementation
return (target) => {
// `target` will give us access to the entire class prototype
target.apiVersion = options.api_version

function deprecated(target) {
this class is deprecated and will be removed
in a future version of the app
console.log(`@: ${target}`)

api_version: '0.3.4',
class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
static apiVersion: string

Class Properties Decorators

first parameter target will be class prototype for normal properties and class constructor for static properties.

function prop(target, name) {
// ...

function staticProp(constructor, name) {
// ...

class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
public member: string

public static apiVersion: string

Method Parameters Decorators

@uppercase/@lowercase for string parameters, @rounded for number parameters.

function decorator<T>(classPrototype: T, name: string, index: int) {
// ...

class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
private handleMethod(@decorator param1: string) {
// ...

Methods Decorators

  • target parameter will class prototype
  • propertyKey will be a string containing the name of the method.
  • propertyDescriptor will provide with standard metadata associated with the object: configurable, enumerable, value and writable, as well as get and set.
function methodDecorator(options: any[]) {
return (
target: MyComponent,
propertyKey: string,
propertyDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor
) => {
// ...

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
handleSomething() {
// ...
function enumerable(enumerable: boolean) {
return (
target: MyComponent,
propertyKey: string,
propertyDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor
) => {
propertyDescriptor.enumerable = enumerable

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
handleSomething() {
// ...

Modern Stage 3 Decorators

type Decorator = (value: Input, context: {
kind: string
name: string | symbol
access: {
get?: () => unknown
set?: (value: unknown) => void
private?: boolean
static?: boolean
addInitializer: (initializer: () => void) => void
}) => Output | void

type ClassDecorator = (value: Function, context: {
kind: 'class'
name: string | undefined
addInitializer: (initializer: () => void) => void
}) => Function | void

type ClassMethodDecorator = (value: Function, context: {
kind: 'method'
name: string | symbol
access: { get: () => unknown }
static: boolean
private: boolean
addInitializer: (initializer: () => void) => void
}) => Function | void

type ClassGetterDecorator = (value: Function, context: {
kind: 'getter'
name: string | symbol
access: { get: () => unknown }
static: boolean
private: boolean
addInitializer: (initializer: () => void) => void
}) => Function | void

type ClassSetterDecorator = (value: Function, context: {
kind: 'setter'
name: string | symbol
access: { set: (value: unknown) => void }
static: boolean
private: boolean
addInitializer: (initializer: () => void) => void
}) => Function | void

type ClassFieldDecorator = (value: undefined, context: {
kind: 'field'
name: string | symbol
access: { get: () => unknown, set: (value: unknown) => void }
static: boolean
private: boolean
addInitializer: (initializer: () => void) => void
}) => (initialValue: unknown) => unknown | void

type ClassAutoAccessorDecorator = (
value: {
get: () => unknown
set: (value: unknown) => void
context: {
kind: 'accessor'
name: string | symbol
access: { get: () => unknown, set: (value: unknown) => void }
static: boolean
private: boolean
addInitializer: (initializer: () => void) => void
) => {
get?: () => unknown
set?: (value: unknown) => void
init?: (initialValue: unknown) => unknown
} | void

Decorators Execution Order

  • 不同级装饰器:
    1. 实例成员: (参数 > 方法) -> 访问器 -> 属性 装饰器 (按顺序).
    2. 静态成员: (参数 > 方法) -> 访问器 -> 属性 装饰器 (按顺序).
    3. 构造器: 参数装饰器.
    4. 类装饰器.
  • 同级装饰器: 先从外到内进入,然后由内向外执行.
function f(key: string): any {
return function () {
console.log('执行: ', key)

@f('8. 类')
class C {
@f('4. 静态属性')
static prop?: number

@f('5. 静态方法')
static method(@f('6. 静态方法参数') foo) {}

constructor(@f('7. 构造器参数') foo) {

@f('2. 实例方法')
method(@f('1. 实例方法参数') foo) {}

@f('3. 实例属性')
prop?: number

// "执行: ", "1. 实例方法参数"
// "执行: ", "2. 实例方法"
// "执行: ", "3. 实例属性"
// "执行: ", "4. 静态属性"
// "执行: ", "6. 静态方法参数"
// "执行: ", "5. 静态方法"
// "执行: ", "7. 构造器参数"
// "执行: ", "8. 类"
function dec(id) {
console.log('装饰器初始化', id)

return function (target, property, descriptor) {
console.log('装饰器执行', id)

class Example {
method() {}

// 装饰器初始化 1
// 装饰器初始化 2
// 装饰器执行 2
// 装饰器执行 1

Reflect Metadata

IoC and DI implementation:

const INJECTIONS = new WeakMap()

function createInjections() {
const injections = []

function injectable(Class) {
INJECTIONS.set(Class, injections)

function inject(injectionKey) {
return function applyInjection(v, context) {
injections.push({ injectionKey, set: context.access.set })

return { injectable, inject }

class Container {
registry = new Map()

register(injectionKey, value) {
this.registry.set(injectionKey, value)

lookup(injectionKey) {

create(Class) {
const instance = new Class()

for (const { injectionKey, set } of INJECTIONS.get(Class) || []), this.lookup(injectionKey))

return instance

class Store {}

const { injectable, inject } = createInjections()

class C {
@inject('store') store

const container = new Container()
const store = new Store()

container.register('store', store)

const c = container.create(C) === store // true

AOP programming:

const PATH_METADATA = 'path'
const METHOD_METADATA = 'method'

function Controller(path: string): ClassDecorator {
return (target) => {
Reflect.defineMetadata(PATH_METADATA, path, target)

function createMappingDecorator(method: string) {
return (path: string): MethodDecorator => {
return (target, key, descriptor) => {
Reflect.defineMetadata(PATH_METADATA, path, descriptor.value)
Reflect.defineMetadata(METHOD_METADATA, method, descriptor.value)

const Get = createMappingDecorator('GET')
const Post = createMappingDecorator('POST')

function mapRoute(instance: object) {
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(instance)

// 筛选出类的 methodName
const methodsNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype).filter(
item => !isConstructor(item) && isFunction(prototype[item])
return => {
const fn = prototype[methodName]

// 取出定义的 metadata
const route = Reflect.getMetadata(PATH_METADATA, fn)
const method = Reflect.getMetadata(METHOD_METADATA, fn)

return {

class SomeClass {
someGetMethod() {
return 'hello world'

somePostMethod() {}

Reflect.getMetadata(PATH_METADATA, SomeClass) // '/test'

mapRoute(new SomeClass())
* [{
* route: '/a',
* method: 'GET',
* fn: someGetMethod() { ... },
* methodName: 'someGetMethod'
* },{
* route: '/b',
* method: 'POST',
* fn: somePostMethod() { ... },
* methodName: 'somePostMethod'
* }]

Type System

TypeScript type system:

  • Structural type system: type checking focuses on shape (Duck Typing).
  • Turing complete type system.
  • TypeScript type system models JavaScript runtime behavior and spot out runtime exception.


Covariant (协变性):

Type T is covariant if having S <: P, then T<S> <: T<P>.

type IsSubtype<S, P> = S extends P ? true : false

type T1 = IsSubtype<Admin, User>
// type T1 = true

type T2 = IsSubtype<Promise<Admin>, Promise<User>>
// type T2 = true

type T3 = IsSubtype<'Hello', string>
// type T3 = true

type T4 = IsSubtype<Capitalize<'Hello'>, Capitalize<string>>
// type T4 = true


Contravariant (逆变性):

Type T is contravariant if having S <: P, then T<P> <: T<S>.

type IsSubtype<S, P> = S extends P ? true : false

type Func<Param> = (param: Param) => void

type T1 = IsSubtype<Admin, User>
// type T1 = true

type T2 = IsSubtype<Func<Admin>, Func<User>>
// type T2 = false

type T3 = IsSubtype<Func<User>, Func<Admin>>
// type T3 = true
const logAdmin: Func<Admin> = (admin: Admin): void => {
console.log(`Name: ${admin.userName}`)
console.log(`Is super admin: ${admin.isSuperAdmin.toString()}`)

const logUser: Func<User> = (user: User): void => {
console.log(`Name: ${user.userName}`)

const admin = new Admin('admin1', true)

let logger: Func<Admin>

logger = logUser
logger(admin) // OK

logger = logAdmin
logger(admin) // OK

const user = new User('user1')

let logger: Func<User>

logger = logUser
logger(user) // OK

logger = logAdmin
// Type 'Func<Admin>' is not assignable to type 'Func<User>'.
// Property 'isSuperAdmin' is missing in type 'User' but required in type 'Admin'.
logger(user) // Oops! `user.isSuperAdmin` is undefined.
Function Types


  • 参数类型为逆变.
  • 返回值类型为协变.
Array Types
  • 允许不变的列表 (Immutable) 在它的参数类型上是协变的: ConstList<Dog>ConstList<Animal> 的子类型.
  • 对于可变的列表 (Mutable), 其参数类型则必须是不变的 (Invariant): 既不是协变也不是逆变, 才能保证类型安全.

Type Gymnastics

Type Gymnastics Programming

Type programming:

Program levelRuntimeValuesFunctions
Type levelCompile timeSpecific typesGeneric types
TypeScript TermSet Term
never (Empty set)
Literal typeSingle element set
Value assignable to TValue ∈ T (Member)
T1 assignable to T2T1 ⊆ T2 (Subset)
T1 extends T2T1 ⊆ T2 (Subset)
T1 | T2T1 ∪ T2 (Union)
T1 & T2T1 ∩ T2 (Intersection)
unknownUniversal set

Type Gymnastics Tools

Type Gymnastics Examples

  • PathOf<Form> complex recursive types.
  • Type-safe React router advanced types.
import React from 'react'

type PathSegments<Path extends string> =
Path extends `${infer SegmentA}/${infer SegmentB}`
? ParamOnly<SegmentA> | PathSegments<SegmentB>
: ParamOnly<Path>
type ParamOnly<Segment extends string> = Segment extends `:${infer Param}`
? Param
: never
type RouteParams<Path extends string> = {
[Key in PathSegments<Path>]: string

interface RouteProps<Path extends string> {
path: Path
render: (routeProps: { match: { params: RouteParams<Path> } }) => void

export default function App() {
return (
render={(routeProps) => {
const params = routeProps.match.params

Type Gymnastics Reference

TypeScript Internals

TypeScript Compiler


  • Scanner 扫描器 (scanner.ts)
  • Parser 解析器 (parser.ts).
  • Binder 绑定器 (binder.ts).
  • Checker 检查器 (checker.ts).
  • Emitter 发射器 (emitter.ts).
Source Code ~~Scanner~~> Tokens
Tokens ~~Parser~~> AST
AST ~~Binder~~> Symbols
AST + Symbols ~~Checker~~> Type Validation
AST + Checker ~~Emitter~~> JavaScript

TypeScript Scanner

// 单例扫描器
const scanner = ts.createScanner(ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /* 忽略杂项 */ true)

// 此函数与初始化使用的 `initializeState` 函数相似
function initializeState(text: string) {
scanner.setOnError((message: ts.DiagnosticMessage, length: number) => {

// 使用示例
initializeState(`const foo = 123;`.trim())

// 开始扫描
let token = scanner.scan()

while (token !== ts.SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) {
token = scanner.scan()

TypeScript Parser

程序 ->
CompilerHost.getSourceFile ->
(全局函数 parser.ts).createSourceFile ->
function printAllChildren(node: ts.Node, depth = 0) {
Array.from({ length: depth + 1 }, (num, i) => i).join('----'),
node.getChildren().forEach(c => printAllChildren(c, depth))

const sourceCode = `const foo = 123;`.trim()
const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(

TypeScript Binder

program.getTypeChecker ->
initializeTypeChecker(检查器中) ->
for each SourceFile `ts.bindSourceFile`(绑定器中)
for each SourceFile `ts.mergeSymbolTable`(检查器中)

TypeScript Checker


program.getTypeChecker ->
initializeTypeChecker(检查器中) ->
for each SourceFile `ts.bindSourceFile`(绑定器中)
for each SourceFile `ts.mergeSymbolTable`(检查器中)

真正的类型检查会在调用 getDiagnostics 时才发生:

program.emit ->
emitWorker (program local) ->
createTypeChecker.getEmitResolver ->
// 第一次调用下面的几个 createTypeChecker 的本地函数
call getDiagnostics ->
getDiagnosticsWorker ->

// 接着
return resolver
// 通过对本地函数 createResolver() 的调用,resolver 已在 createTypeChecker 中初始化。

TypeScript Emitter

Program.emit ->
`emitWorker` (在 program.ts 中的 createProgram) ->
`emitFiles` (emitter.ts 中的函数)

TypeScript Internals API

// Path of the file we want to analyze.
// It's important that @types/react is installed in the same package.
const filePath = 'example.jsx'

// Make sure to analyze .js/.jsx files.
const options = {
allowJs: true,
jsx: 'preserve',

// Create a TypeScript compilation environment.
const host = ts.createCompilerHost(options)

// Parse and analyze our file, along with dependencies.
const program = ts.createProgram([filePath], options, host)
const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(filePath)
const checker = program.getTypeChecker()

const detectedComponents = []

for (const statement of sourceFile.statements) {
if (ts.isVariableStatement(statement)) {
for (const declaration of statement.declarationList.declarations) {
// 🚀 This is where the magic happens.
const type = checker.getTypeAtLocation(

// A type that has call signatures is a function type.
for (const callSignature of type.getCallSignatures()) {
const returnType = callSignature.getReturnType()

if (returnType.symbol?.getEscapedName().toString() === 'Element')

// ["Foo", "Bar"]

TypeScript Reference